ਪਰਾਲੀ ਤੋਂ ਖਾਦ ਬਣਾਓ, ਵਾਤਾਵਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਦੂਸ਼ਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਾਓ।
Upcoming Events
ਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ੀ ਵਿਗਿਆਨ ਕੇਂਦਰ, ਮਾਜਰਾ, ਮੁਹਾਲੀ

On Farm Trails

Crop Science

  • Evaluation of different cultivars of Maize for Silage making
  • Evaluation of different methods of sowing of Gobhi Sarson
  • Evaluation of different methods of paddy straw management

Soil Science

  • Enriching wheat grain with Zn content by different fertilization methods
  • Ensuring fertilizer economy in paddy using green manure crops
  • Integrated nutrient management in pea

Animal Sciences

  • Supplementation of Vitamin E in peri-parturient dairy cattle
  • Supplementation of mineral mixture
  • Efficacy of anthelmintics against internal parasites in lactating animals


  • Control of fruit fly in bitter gourd
  • Control of mite in pear
  • Integrated Nutrient Management in  Early  grown Pea


  • Introduction of Indian Major Carps [IMC] and exotic carps in earthern ponds – Composite carp culture
  • Growing spawn up to fingerling stage
  • Introduction of Azolla as a feed ingredient in feed preparation for carps

Home Science

  • Impact of iron rich foods on hemoglobin status of adolescent girls
  • Dietary intervention during elevated level of uric acid in women
  • Introduction of instant multi grain porridge

Frontline Demonstrations

Crop Science

  • Improved variety of Fodder Maize
  • Promotion of Rye grass
  • New Variety in summer moong
  • Improved Variety of Canola Gobhi sarson
  • Biofortification of wheat grains with foliar application of ZnSO4
  • Promotion of Corn Silage making to ensure year around fodder availability
  • Management of paddy straw using happy seeder
  • Management of paddy straw using Mulcher and MB plough for vegetable cultivation

Home Science

  • Introduction of Calcium Citrate Malate tablets to reduce osteoporosis in women
  • Promotion of Adulteration kit for testing of milk and milk products
  • Introduction of packaging materials for food products
  • Introduction of drudgery reducing implements to farm women
  • Introduction of deworming, Iron and Folic acid  tablets to children
  • Imparting preparation techniques of flavored whey water to farm women

Soil Science

  • Popularization of consortium biofertilier application in wheat
  • Popularization of Chieseler plough to improve soil permeability
  • Popularization of new wheat variety PBW1 Zn
  • Popularization of recommended fertilization package in paddy
  • Popularization of green manuring to ensure fertilizer saving in paddy


  • Promotion of new variety of Bitter gourd (PJK1)
  • Promotion of new variety of Tinda (Punjab Tinda No. 1)
  • Promotion of new variety of Punjab Kheera 1 in poly houses
  • Promotion of green leafy vegetables
  • Promotion of new variety of Marigold (Punjab Gainda No. 1)
  • Promotion of new variety of Carrot (Punjab Black Beauty)
  • Promotion of strawberry

Animal Sciences

  • Use of teat dip and post milking management in dairy cows
  • Role of bypass fat in improving and sustaining milk production
  • Magnet feeding
  • Use of area specific mineral mixture-Pigs
  • Use of area specific mineral mixture- Cattle and Buffaloes


  • Demonstration of optimum stocking densities in Indian Major Carp [IMC] culture
  • Feed management demonstration in the in Indian Major Carp [IMC] culture for higher yields.
  • Water quality management in the in Indian Major Carp [IMC] culture for higher yields
  • Thread netting over nursery ponds
  • Integrated Fish cum Pig farming
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