ਪਰਾਲੀ ਤੋਂ ਖਾਦ ਬਣਾਓ, ਵਾਤਾਵਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਦੂਸ਼ਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਾਓ।
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ਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ੀ ਵਿਗਿਆਨ ਕੇਂਦਰ, ਮਾਜਰਾ, ਮੁਹਾਲੀ

Abstracts Published in conferences

• Khadda B S, Pal S and Brar PS (2023) Effect of probiotics Supplementation on Growth performance of Growing Goats. In: 5th National conference on Smart livestock extension for enhancing farmers’ income-an extension bounty w.e.f.12-14 October, 2023 at Khalsa college of veterinary and animal sciences, Amritsar, Punjab. 197p. ISBN no. 978-93-95882-54-5.
• Khadda B S, Pal S and Brar PS (2023) Effect of taramira (Eruca sativa) seed supplementation and introduction of poultry birds in animal shed to control ticks infestation on Buffalo under field conditions. In: 8th International conference in hybrid mode on Global research initiatives for sustainable agriculture and allied sciences 18-20 Dec. 2023.
• Kaur H, Khadda BS and Brar NS (2023) Management of gram caterpillar (Helicoverpa armigera) in berseem (Trifolium alexandrium) with bioinsecticide. In: 5th National conference on Smart livestock extension for enhancing farmers’ income-an extension bounty w.e.f.12-14 October, 2023 at Khalsa college of veterinary and animal sciences, Amritsar, Punjab. 212p. ISBN no. 978-93-95882-54-5.
• Singh, G., Kumar, A., Khadda B S (2023) Impact of Fermented Slurry on Primary productivity and Fish growth in Earthen Ponds of District Tarn Taran. Abstract published in souvenir & Conference Book of 5th National Conference on Smart Livestock Extension for Enhancing Farmers Income- An Extension Bounty on 12-14 October 2023 at KCVAS Amritsar, Punjab.
• Brar NS, Khadda BS and Kaur H (2023) Assessing the role of agronomic practices in mitigating the impact of unseasonal rainfall in wheat. Climate Smart Agronomy for Resilient Production Systems and Livelihood Security In: Extended Summaries of XXII Biennial National Symposium. The Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi 110012, pp. 429-430
• Khadda, B. S., Pal, S., Kaur, H. and Gupta, P. (2022). Efficacy of bypass fat and area specific mineral mixture supplementation on production and reproductive performance of milch buffalo. Abstract published in souvenir & Conference Book of IVth International Conference on “Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2022) was held on 12-14 June, 2022 at Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hill, Shimla (HP), Pp: 150-151. (ISBN No: 978-93-91057-31-2).
• Khadda, B. S., Pal, S., Kaur, H. and Gupta, P. (2022). Knowledge of ethno-veterinary practices followed by livestock keepers in Kandi region of Punjab. Abstract published in souvenir & Conference Book of VIIth International Conference in Hybrid Mode on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences (GRISAAS-2022) was held on 21-23 November, 2022 at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India, Pp: 85-86. (ISBN No:978-81-958010-1-5).
• Vikas Phulia, B. S. Khadda and Shashi Pal. 2022. Strategies for the resilience of fisheries and aquaculture sector to a future pandemic through one-health approach in the National Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture & 10th Annual Session of the Society of Life Sciences held on May 19-20, 2022 at GBPUAT, Pantnagar. Technical Compendium (Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book). pp 99.

• Shashi Pal., Khadda B. S., Singh P. and Phulia V. 2022. Effect of deworming, vaccination and dietary supplementation of moringa leaf powder on production performance of laying hens in backyard farming system. 4th National Conference of Society for Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension (SVAHE) on ‘Pluralistic Approaches for Livestock Development- An Extension Call’ 2022, held on 6-8 May, 2022 at CSKHPKV, Palampur (HP), India. Compendium pp 332.

• Sharma Munish & Khadda B.S. 2022. Evaluation of biozyme granule and liquid formulation application on tuber yield and related characters in potato. In: International Conference on Innovative and current advances in agriculture and allied sciences (ICAAAS- 2022) w.e.f 12-14 June 2022 at HPU, Shimla. 46 p. ISBN No. 978-93-91057-31-2
• Sharma Munish & Khadda B.S. 2022. Effect of different pruning intensities on fruit yield and economics in Guava cv. Allahabad Safeda. In: International Conference on Innovative and current advances in agriculture and allied sciences (ICAAAS- 2022) w.e.f 12-14 June 2022 at HPU, Shimla. 213 p. ISBN No. 978-93-91057-31-2
• Sharma Munish & Khadda B.S. 2022. Integrated nutrient management (INM) in onion for better crop productivity and improved soil health. In: 3rd National conference of the society of Krishi Vigyan on “Natural farming, organic farming and chemical farming in Indian agriculture: present scenario and way forward” w.e..f. 17-19 October 2022 at Ujjain, M.P.
• Kaur H, Khadda B S and Gupta P (2022) Efficacy of technological intervention on management of mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) in gobhi sarson (Brassica napus) at farmer’s field. In: International Conference on Innovative and Current advances in Agriculture and allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2022) w.e.f 12-14 June 2022 at HPU, Shimla.
• Shashi Pal, B.S. Khadda and Vikas Phulia. 2022. Effect of acaricides and biological application on tick infestation and production performance of dairy animals. IVth International Conference in Hybrid Mode on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture & Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2022) held on 12-14 June, 2022 at HPU, Summer Hill, Shimla (HP), India. Souvenir & Conference Book pp 291-292.
• Shashi Pal, Parminder Singh, B.S. Khadda and Vikas Phulia. 2022. Effect of dietary supplementation of moult inhibitor and toxin binder on udder health and production performance of lactating buffaloes. 4th National Conference of Society for Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension (SVAHE) on ‘Pluralistic Approaches for Livestock Development- An Extension Call’ 2022, held on 6-8 May, 2022 at CSKHPKV, Palampur (HP), India. Compendium pp 175.
• Gupta P and Khadda B S (2022) Marketing the biggest roadblock impacting the success of the Self Help Groups. In: National Seminar on Synergetic Extension Approaches for livelihood Improvement and Agricultural Development (SEEG-2022) w.e.f 24-25 June, 2022 at Junagarh Agricultural University, Junagarh.
• Gupta P, Khadda B S and Vaishali (2022) Farmer Producer Organizations- A way forward for small and marginal farmers of Punjab In: International Conference on Global Research Initiates for Sustainable Agriculture and allied Sciences w.e.f. 21-23 November, 2022 at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi.
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